Stadium Mirai


Stadium Mirai Website

The 2015-2016 Mission Oak Academy of Engineering students were tasked with brainstorming, researching, designing, and ultimately presenting a stadium design for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.  Students first worked in groups of four to come up with initial concepts which were then presented to a panel of professionals.  The winning design was then taken by the class, and the class was split into two teams: stadium interior and stadium exterior.  Ultimately, the students prepared a 50 page report which included an AutoCAD drawing of the stadium, a concept rationale, a construction timeline, and a budget.  Then, the students collaborated to create a website using WordPress, and the stadium concept was sent to the Japan Olympic Committee, both using the website and by postal mail.  While the design was not chosen, someone in Japan did view the website, and the students realized a true, real-world design and engineering experience.